Arthur H. Bulbulian

Arthur H. Bulbulian (Searmenia: Artur Bulbulyan; Tšitoe 20, 1900 - Phuptjane 23, 1996) e ne e le pula-maliboho oa leloko la Maarmenia lefapheng la litho tsa maiketsetso tsa sefahleho.


Mosebetsi oa hae e le karolo ea Mayo Clinic Aero Medical Unit e ile ea etsa hore a tlotlisoe ka ho theha mask a oksijene ea A-14 bakeng sa Lebotho la Moeeng la United States ka 1941. Mask ea mofofisi oa sefofane sa A-14 e ne e le bopaki ba serame, 'me e kenyelelitse le maekrofono bakeng sa puisano ea seea-le-moea, ’me a lumella mofofisi hore a bue le ho ja a ntse a o apere. Li-mask tsa oksijene li se li sebelisoa tikolohong ea bongaka le lipetlele, mohlala bakeng sa li-concentrators tsa oksijene.

E ne e le setho sa sehlopha se neng se akarelletsa Dr. W. Randolph Lovelace le Walter M. Boothby, ba hlahisitseng BLB (Boothby, Lovelace le Bulbulian) mask a nasal le orinasal oksijene, e neng e le molemo bakeng sa maemo a kliniki, 'me, joalokaha ho ile ha fumaneha, bakeng sa lifofane tse phahameng. BLB le A-14 mask a oksijene li ile tsa sebelisoa ntoeng Ntoeng ea II ea Lefatše.

Dr. Bulbulian hape e ne e le mookameli oa pele oa Musiamo oa Bongaka oa Mayo, 'me ka hona, o ile a hlahisa litaba le lingaka tsa basebetsi,' me a haha ​​lipontšo. Ona e ne e le musiamo oa pele oa bongaka United States. O ile a boela a qapa le ho etsa lipontšo bakeng sa pontšo ea Mayo Clinic ka 1933 "A Century of Progress Exposition," Chicago Worlds Fair.

Born in 1900 near Caesarea, Ottoman Empire, he moved to the United States in 1920. He attended Middlebury College, where he received a B.S. and M.S. degree in Science. He did more graduate work at Brown University and the University of Iowa. In 1928, he entered the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry, and received the degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery. In 1931 he was appointed as an instructor in orthodontics at the same school.